Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands

"How is it possible?"

How can a metal band be so CHEESY and yet... so good? Rhapsody is truly awesome, both literally and figuratively. They merge their bombastic power metal with classical music in ways that blow the mind. The guitars are exhilarating and technical. Luca Turilli is really amazing. His solos and riffs are incredible, but don't concentrate solely on the guitar. You'll also want to lend an ear to the stunning classical interludes. What's great about these songs is that they can be fast and heavy at one moment, then shift fluidly into more florid moments, but it all coheres nicely. This fantasy story of heroism is delivered through Fabio Lione operatic vocals. Though the English is a little disjointed and the lyrics are CHEESE FACTOR 10, it all sounds really good overall, so it never becomes a problem. The use of the choir adds to the power of the music.

In the end, this CD comes across with far more impact than the strong debut, Legendary Tales, and I can't wait for more of Rhapsody's albums.

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